Right Now The Ever-Changing Banner Is...

newly sprouted spring leaves on a Sand Oak (Quercus geminata) at Big Lagoon State Park.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Train Series: CSX Rail Line: Train Crossing at Oakfield Road: In Case of Emergency

I'm recovering from a leg injury and decided to take up my photo blog again to get an assist with my rehab. The mind protects what it wants to protect and I thought it would get me out and about more than I would otherwise - and it has. Working around my still cork-screwed sense of balance also makes for some interesting work.

 (Click to enlarge.)
 In any case, for now, this is my new POV.
Emergency numbers are good to know when you're stalled out, as it were.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Piazza Uccello: Through the Window: Bluebirds: Food Delivery, Vivid Edition

Peck peck. Hallo! Piazza Uccello, Bluebird Box #2?

 Here you go, easy does it...

Blue Girl in the 4th? Great, thanks for the tip. ...

Ciao Bella!